Red Cedar Club Party 2014

Well, it's been an interesting end to an even more interesting week. I realized earlier on that there was no way in heck I was going to get the library under control by the end of today, and even if we are back at work by Wednesday, it still isn't gonna be enough time. Sometimes, you just have to live with chaos. 

Instead of fretting, today after lunch I had a dessert party with my Red Cedar Book Club members. They've been reading and blogging about the books since last fall. You can read their blogs here. They deserved a celebration! I had a few kids helping with the set up between recess and lunch and a few darlings helping with the clean up later. In the middle was a sugar frenzy and jeopardy game based on the books - me against the kids. They won. I should have taken before and after pictures but forgot. We had so many different kinds of sugar there was a lot left over - even extra chocolate mousse!

In theory school shouldn't be over for another couple of weeks, but because everything is so unsettled due to the strike here in British Columbia, there were all kinds of goodbyes. Darn it all, I hate to say good bye at the best of times, and saying teary farewells just in case, but remaining hopeful we will be back before the end of next week, and then knowing we'll do it all over again, just sucks. 

In spite of all this, I feel blessed. I've now got a house filled with bouquets of flowers (hang the allergies) many loving cards and hugs galore to remind me I'm fortunate to be a teacher librarian, doing a job I love, in a fabulous school. 

It also reaffirms my reasons for why we're walking a picket line this coming week. 

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